China and Brazil have broad prospects for cooperation in various fields, such as economic and trade exchanges, scientific and technological innovation, and people-to-people exchanges, said Cui Shoujun, professor and director of the Institute of International Development Studies at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, during an interview with China News Network.
The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Brazil. He believes that the two countries with strategic and innovative visions are expected to promote the steady development of bilateral relations, and jointly work together for the next "golden 50 years".(Gan Tian)
" />以军19日称,以军目前已开始在黎巴嫩南部新的区域展开军事行动,搜寻并摧毁黎真主党武装的军事设施。目前以军已袭击了黎真主党武装的多个据点聊斋2粤语,包括火箭弹发射场、指挥中心等。以军称当天在黎南部一村庄展开军事行动时,发现了藏于一所学校内的黎真主党武装观察哨以及武器库,以军还在该地区发现并摧毁了黎真主党武装的地下设施。此外以军称,以色列空军在18日对黎巴嫩南部的空袭行动中,打死了黎巴嫩真主党武装中程火箭弹部队的指挥官。对此,黎真主党武装方面暂时没有回应。