China’s economy has been showing signs of great strength for several decades,“very resilient, very strong”, said Brazilian scholar Pedro Steenhagen during an exclusive interview with China News Network recently.
As the G20 Summit is under way in Brazil, Pedro Steenhagen pointed out that China’s experience can provide another path to modernization for other countries and he hoped that the two countries will strengthen coordination under the framework of the G20.(Gan Tian)
" />11月17日,东莞首家“互联网+全病程管理中心”在广东医科大学附属东莞第一医院(东莞市东南部中心医院)正式揭牌。广东医科大学附属东莞第一医院院长邵义明在揭牌仪式上指出, 互联网+全病程管理中心的正式启动,让医疗服务模式创新上的又一重要举措,通过运用互联网、大数据、人工智能等现代信息技术,实现医疗服务的全链条、智能化管理法外情,为患者提供更加便捷、高效的医疗服务体验。