How can China's rural governance and agricultural production development embrace the "Internet Plus" development mode? How will the emergence of new business forms help China's rural areas contribute to the development of China's economy? In response to these questions, Chen Jing, director of Research Center for Technology Innovation and professor at School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, pointed out in the latest W.E. Talk that cyber governance will greatly improve the social effectiveness of rural governance, attracting more entities to join the governance process.
He further added that by empowering agricultural production, e-commerce and rural tourism, internet technologies will help the rural economy achieve better development. (Xue Lingqiao)
" />这一年,小雪历经了丧父之痛。类似的痛,在8年前母亲离世时,她也遭遇过。两位老人都因癌离世,小雪感慨,父亲在耄耋之年离世,发病前没有一点疾病或病痛,过去也基本不跑医院,每天都开开心心地生活,患病后也未因长期治疗而经历很大的痛苦,反而是住进了社区安宁疗护病房,每天都有医护人员陪他聊聊过去美好的日子,也有子女在旁24小时守候。或许这样对父亲来说,也是一段很完美的人生吧!